Blepharospasm TreatmentinPlano–North Dallas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

What is Blepharospasm or Eyelids Spasm?

A neurological condition that causes uncontrolled muscle contraction of eyelid muscles is referred to as Blepharospasm. This condition results in abnormal blinking of eyelids/twitching if the eyelids. The exact cause of blepharospasm is unknown. But this condition is associated with dry eyes and eyelid inflammation. There is also another condition called Hemifacial spasm, which is similar but involves uncontrolled or involuntary contraction of the facial muscles on one side of the face that is often caused by facial nerve irritation.
Board Certified Oculo-facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Kalyam is an expert in North Dallas when it comes to diagnosis and treatment of blepharospasm or paralysis from Bell’s palsy. Dr. Kalyam has extensive experience in facial anatomy and surrounding facial structures.

Treatment and Diagnosis ofHemifacial and Blepharospams

The symptoms can include either frequent/excessive blinking of both eyes or contractions of the muscles on one side of the face. Neuromodulators such as BOTOX injections are commonly used as a treatment option to improve the symptoms associated with hemifacial and blepharospams. There is no downtime involved as patients can get back to their activities right after the treatment. The effect of treatment lasts for up to 3-4 months before needing another visit.
Dr. Kalyam is certified by American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery(ASOPRS). Members of ASOPRS have a significant high level of specialized training not only on the eyelids & facial anatomy but also in the prevention of eye diseases.

Expectations After Treatment of Blepharospam or Hemifacial Spasm

Most patients experience a relief from their symptoms with in first 3-5 days. Follow ups may be scheduled based on patient experience and feedback.Minor swelling and bruising is common. Full extent of results will be visible at two weeks mark. Dr. Kalyam can discuss the treatment planin detail during your consultation. BOTOX in general are very safe and have been used by Ophthalmologists for decades to treat eye related diseases.
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