Eyelid/Facial Lesion or Cysts Removal in Plano – North Dallas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

What are Eyelid & Facial Lesions or Cysts?

Eyelid and Facial Lesions can include either benign or cancerous growths that form on eyelids or on face.
Benin Lesions Cancer Growths
Cysts Basal Cell Carcinoma
Skin Tags (papillomas) Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Nevi (moles) Sebaceous Carcinoma
Chalazion or Stye Malignant Melanoma
During your evaluation, Dr. PriyaKalyam will perform a thorough examination. Eyelid lesions can be surgically removed for functional/ cosmetic reasons, to improve vision, or if there is concern of a cancerous type and to rule it out. Dr. Kalyam will review appropriate treatment options with you during your appointment.

Treatment for Eyelid/Facial Lesion Excision

During your examination, Dr. Kalyam will excise the entire lesion and send it to pathology (if lesion is benign) or take only a portion of the lesion and send it to pathology (if lesion looks potentially cancerous).
This procedure is performed in the office and a local anesthetic is injected to numb the eyelid. Dr. Kalyam perform biopsy and specimen is sent to pathology for further analysis. In many cases, the defect heals itself over the course of couple of weeks and sutures may not be necessary.

Decisions Based On Pathology Results

If pathology results show cancerous growth, then Dr. Kalyam will work with a highly trained dermatologist to clear the margins of cancer and later Dr. Kalyam will perform Skin Cancer reconstruction. (Hyperlink the Skin Cancer Reconstruction to the page in our website eyelid-cancer-reconstruction/)
Oculoplastics Eyelid Lesion Surgery
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