Expert Orbital Tumor Surgeon in Plano – North Dallas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

What is an Orbital Tumor?

The Orbit is the bony socket that contains the eye, optic nerve and other ocular structures. An orbital tumor is an abnormal growth that forms around eye socket. These tumors can happens in adults and children. Board Certified Oculo-facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon Dr. Kalyam is an expert in North Dallas when it comes to Orbital Tumor Treatments. Dr. Kalyam has extensive experience in reconstructing eyelids and surrounding facial structures. Don’t let a suspicious growth on or around eyelids both you. Most importantly if it is a tumor, don’t let this tumor grow out of control. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kalyam for an evaluation.

Treatment and Diagnosis of Orbital Tumors

During your consultation with Dr. Kalyam, any suspicious growth of eyelids is examined for any cancers by performing an in-office biopsy. The results are then analyzed by Dr. Kalyam for further treatment options. Once eyelid tumor is confirmed, compete excision is necessary to prevent the recurrence. Dr. Kalyam is certified by American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASOPRS). Members of ASOPRS have a significant high level of specialized training not only on the eyelids & face but also in the prevention of eye diseases.

Recovery After Orbital Tumor Removal

Swelling and bruising after surgery is common. Full extent of results will be visible at six month mark. The amount of down time is dependent on the extent of surgery and Dr. Kalyam can discuss that in detail during your consultation.
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