Eye Removal – Prosthetic Eye – Eye Socket Surgery inPlano–North Dallas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

What is Enucleation and Evisceration?

A chronic pain in blind patients or eye tumors may require surgical procedures to cure the discomfort.
When the whole eye is removed, the surgical procedure is called Enucleation. During this procedure, the eye muscles are repositioned to give movement to the artificial or prosthetic eye. This also requires placement of an orbital implant to restore socket volume.
Evisceration is a surgical procedure where the sclera (white portion of the eye) is preserved and cornea and other inner portions of the eye are removed. This surgical procedure removes the need of detaching eye muscles. Further an Orbital implant can be used to restore volume.
Dr, Kalyam is an ASOPORS (American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery) certified & trained Oculo-facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon. Dr. Kalyam is an expert in North Dallas when it comes to performing Orbital surgeries that involve implanting artificial eyes and or for any Eye socket related procedures. Dr. Kalyam has extensive experience in facial anatomy and surrounding facial structures to give best possible outcomes for any surgery on eye and face.

Surgical Treatment

Enucleation and Evisceration procedures result in permanent and total blindness of the eye. The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia on outpatient basis. Patients who undergo this surgery require an artificial eye (Ocular Ptosthesis) to cosmetically substitute for the natural eye. An Ocularist will then match the exact color, shape and texture the other eye.
Dr. Kalyam makes sure that proper function of eye socket and eyelids is restored before a prosthetic eye is made by an Ocularist. Various techniques such as orbital volume augmentation, fat grafting, lower eyelid tightening (Ectropion) and upper eyelid ptosis surgery can be additionally performed to give best possible results/outcomes.
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