Temporal Arteritis Treatment in Plano – North Dallas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

What is Temporal Arteritis?

Also called as Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) is an inflammation or swelling of the arteries. These arteries are the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart. When these arteries swell, it reduces the blood flow. GCA effects the arteries in the neck, upper body and arms. Another name for GCA is temporal arteritis as it effects the head. Since these blood vessels also nourish eyes, a reduction in the blood flow can cause, sudden and painless vision loss. This condition is truly a medical emergency.

Symptoms of GCA

Many people have sudden headaches, sudden vision loss or double vision. Blindness caused by temporal arteritis generally happens in one eye but can also happen in other eye if the condition is not treated. Other symptoms include headaches, scalp tenderness, fatigue & fever. This condition generally effects older people and is rarely seen in anyone younger than 50 years.
Facial nerves image

Diagnosis & Treatment for Temporal Arteritis

Dr. Kalyam uses minimally invasive techniques (for best possible cosmetic outcome) to perform a biopsy of the temporal artery. This biopsy is later sent to a pathologist for evaluation. It is recommended to take rest and avoid any heavy weights for few days. Pain is usually minimal, stiches will dissolve and scar will fade with time. If the biopsy results come positive for temporal arteritis, both Dr. Kalyam and your primary care doctor will work together to manage treatment with oral steroids.
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