Revision Eyelid Surgery in Plano – North Dallas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

What is Revision Eyelid Surgery?

It really takes a highly skilled surgeon to get the best eyelid surgery results possible right at the first time. It is very critical that patients choose a highly trained ASOPRS Oculo-plastic Surgeon to avoid any revision surgeries later on. Only handful of surgeons take up revision blepharoplasty surgery and these tend to be much more complex than doing it first time. What makes a revision blepharoplasty complex is scarring left behind, distorted anatomy of the eye resulting from previous surgery. We get many patients that come to see Dr. Kalyam for a revision blepharoplasty surgery for her expertise. These patients either are not happy about their surgery results performed elsewhere or get complications.

How Is Revision Eyelid Surgery Performed?

The exact procedure for revision eyelid surgery is depended on case by case basis. Dr. Kalyam will deploy a combination of techniques from fat disposition, skin grafting, tissue removal to CO2 fractional laser for a revision surgery. The exact procedure is chosen based on what patients want to accomplish vs what is possible.
Oculoplastics Blepharoplasty makes specific changes to skin/fat/muscle

Results & Expectations

We usually recommend waiting for at least six – twelve months before considering a revision eyelid surgery. This time lapse will ensure the area is fully healed and results are fully evident. Scarring is also an import metric to consider and it might take one to two years for scars to fade. After a revision eyelid surgery, patients can experience some swelling, bruising and discomfort that may last for couple of weeks. Although patients can return to home immediately after surgery, they should expect to stay home one to two weeks to fully recover. Exercise and strenuous activities should be avoided for at least one week. Dr. Kalyam will provide a personalized follow-up care and instructions. It may take upto six months for the results to show and for eyelids to settle in to an optimum position. Dr. Kalyam’s expertise with surgical and laser tools will ensure any reduction in visible scarring to the possible limits.
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