Eyelid Chalazion and Stye Removal Treatment in Plano – North Dallas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

What is Eyelid Stye and Chalazion?

Most eyelids lesions appear on upper or lower eyelids as benign growths. Stye and Chalazion are the type of lesions/bumps that are found in or along the edge of the eyelid. Blockage of oil glands of the eyelids can cause swelling, redness and inflammation. This swelling is called a stye. In some cases, the inflammation will reduce but a hard lump is left behind due to the scarring around the gland. Stye and Chalazia are often related to inflammation of the eyelids and a condition called Blepharitis.

A stye is an infection image
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Oculoplastics Eyelid Lesion Surgery
A stye is an infection image


A stye is an infection that causes a tender red lump on the eyelid. Most styes occur along the edge of the eyelid.
A chalazion is a lump in the eyelid image


A chalazion is a lump in the eyelid. Chalazia (plural) may look like styes, but they are usally larger and may not be painfull.

Treatment for Chalazion

Many times, a stye will resolve on its own after. Applying warm compress for 5 to 10mins, 3 to 5 times a day typically resolves the issue in few weeks. If stye is not getting better by warm compress, Dr. Kalyam may prescribe antibiotics or eye drops. It stye gets very large, Dr. Kalyam will drain it surgically. If patients are bothered by the look or in case the chalazia gets worsen, it can removed in the office by Dr. Kalyam with a small procedure. During this procedure the doctor injects steroid medicine and surgically removes chalazion. In some rare cases, the chalazion can occur again.
Patients don’t have to remove the eyelid lesions, however if it continue to grow or if it’s cancerous and patients don’t have it removed, it may require much more extensive surgery in the future. Patients also risk losing function of eyelid or vision and even the eye. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kalyam to accurately assess the condition and treatment options.

Results & Expectations

Dr. Kalyam diagnosis the problem by a close examination of the eyelids. For a trained eye the differences between stye and chalazion are obvious. Depending on treatment option, it make take weeks to month for them to go away.

Prevention of Stye&Chalazion

  • No rubbing of eyes. Rubbing irritates eyes. If you must touch eyes, wash your hands first
  • Use safety glasses to prevent dust and pollution from entering the eyes
  • Replace make up periodically as bacteria can grow in the makeup
  • If syte and chalazia exist periodically, wash your eyelids regularly with mild baby shampoo and warm water
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