Fractional CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing In Plano-North Texas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

When it comes to non-surgical skin rejuvenation, nothing comes close to AcuPulse Fractional CO2 lasers. These lasers are considered ‘GOLD Standard’ in the industry for ablation. These lasers deliver exception results by heating tissue without evaporating it (ablation and coagulation). Result is, removal of skin and stimulation of body to replace it with newer, younger skin. After treatments, typically patients can expect 35%-70% improvement. These results are even more noticeable around the eyelid area. Dr. Priya Kalyam uses AcuPulse Fractional CO2 Laser which is a leader in the industry.
AcuPulse is a complete ablative laser with 11 built in treatment modes and gives patients a truly customizable experience. The energy is delivered through a narrow range of wavelengths and this energy is absorbed by the body’s tissue. The body’s natural healing process then replaces the damaged skin with new and healthy tissue. This CO2 laser can be used to treat deep wrinkles, scar revision, Acne scars, eyelid resurfacing and fractional ablative resurfacing.

AcuPulse CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing Q&A

What Does CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing Do?

As we age, the skin produces less collagen. Collagen is the building block that provides structure to the skin. CO2 Laser skin resurfacing involves using a highly specialized medical laser to produce a light at 10,600nm wavelength which is absorbed by water in the skin tissue. This laser energy heats up water in the skin tissue causing evaporation or exfoliation of the treated tissue. The body then naturally produces new cells and tissue creating a fresh surface and stimulates collagen. Result is a skin that looks younger, brighter and naturally restored. The stimulated production of new collagen fibers helps keep skin youthful.
AcuPulse C02 Fractional Laser Resurfacing - Q&A
Fractional CO2 lasers selectively dissolve damaged cells and leave the supporting cellar structure intact. This makes is easier for the body to regenerate by working on pigment, fine lines and collagen. Since the rejuvenation occurs from within, the benefits extend over in time.
The overall effect of laser skin resurfacing on skin is reduction in wrinkles and scars, even out the skin pigmentation, tightens skin and remove skin lesions.

Benefits of AcuPulse CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment

Laser Skin Resurfacing helps in rejuvenating skin by removing the damaged outer layer. This technique can be used to treat many areas including upper and lower eyelids, upper lip/chin. In patients with extensive sun damage, the entire face can be treated. Often this CO2 laser resurfacing treatment is combined with other surgical procedures such as blepharoplasty to make the most of the downtime and to get even better results if possible.
  • Smoothens lines and wrinkles
  • Reduces blemishes and spots
  • Treats uneven skin
  • Significant and long lasting (>1.5 years) results with one treatment
  • Minimal risk and downtime

What Can CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing Treat

  • Wrinkles – fine and deep
  • Overall skin tone and texture
  • Acne & scars/Scar Revision/Skin Leisons
  • Sun damage and pigmentation
  • benign tumors, typically found clustered on eyelids
  • Warts
  • Birthmarks
  • Enlarged oil glands on the nose

Recovery after CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

The recovery period depends on your individual treatment plan and goals. Most patients can expect mild to moderate redness of skin and improves over days to weeks. Patients typically experience some skin flaking for 3 to 5 days. Dr. Priya Kalyam will tailor your post-treatment skin care plan to your specific needs to ensure the most comfortable and rapid recover. Overall there is very minimal discomfort during or after procedure.
AcuPulse CO2 Laser Full Resurfacing Blepharoplasty Wrinkle Pigmentation treatments
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