Eyelid/Facial Reconstruction & Trauma Surgery in Plano–North Dallas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

Dr. Kalyam is a member of highly trained group of surgeons that belong to American Society of Opthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ASPORS).She is also a certified Oculo-Facial plastic surgeon focused in surgery around eyelids and orbital injuries. Dr. PriyaKalyam provides care for trauma patients at Medical City Plano, Medical City Denton, Medical City Dallas, Texas Health Resources hospitals.  Dr. Kalyam is seasoned in taking a high-volume Level I trauma hospital call and can provide expert medical care for eye and face related emergencies.

Facial Trauma & Orbital Fractures Treatment

An untimely or poor facial trauma treatment can lead to scarring, eye health and vision issues and cosmetic abnormalities. Trauma to the face, eyelids and eyesocket can lead to both internal and external damages. Internal damages can be in the form of bone fractures around the eye and face.
External damages can be skin lacerations and cuts.
Orbital fractures can be a result of blunt trauma to the eye or face. These cause fractures in the bones that surround eye. Since this area is sensitive area, the trauma requires careful evaluation and treatment to limit complications. Dr. Kalyam offers excellent treatment options (including reconstructive surgery) to address and repair orbital structures. Severe trauma to the eye and bony structure around eye can lead to not only vision loss but also loss of the eye. In such cases, artificial eye surgery may be required to restore the appearance and function of structures around eye.
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