Ptosis (Droopy Eyelid) Treatment
in Plano - North Texas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

What is Ptosis?

Eyelid Ptosis (Droopy Eyelids) refers to a condition where upper eyelids droop or closes involuntarily. This condition can occur in any age groups as the eyelid muscle stretches. It may effect one or both eyes. This is sometimes considered as a medical condition if the eyelid is covering any part of the pupil. Excess Upper Eyelid skin, a condition called Dermatochalasis may also contribute to the blocked vision. Keep in mind that Ptosis is a separate condition from dermatochalasis (excess eyelid skin). This can be a functional or cosmetic concern and can be a self-confidence issue for many patients.
Dr. Priya Kalyam is an expert in Cosmetic Eyelids Surgery in North Texas area. Dr. Kalyam performs both cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries including performing Ptosis repairs.
Oculoplastics Ptosis Repair

Causes of Ptosis/Eyelids to Droop?

Either functional or anatomical abnormalities of the two eyelid lift muscles can cause Ptosis. Eyelid Ptosis is most commonly caused by below two phenomenon:
Aponeutrotic Ptosis: Results from eyelid muscle slipping or detaching from its normal attachment to the structural position of the eyelid.
Congenital Ptosis: This is caused by weakness in natural levator muscle weakness. This is typically present since birth and can be a result of poor development of upper eyelid muscles.

How is Ptosis Surgery Performed?

It is critical that you chose a highly trained Oculo-facial plastic surgeon for this intricate procedures in and around the eye. A surgeon without an extensive training in eye’s structures/anatomy may not deliver best possible results. Treatment options are based on how severe the droopiness is and the functionality of Muller’s (located in the back of eyelid and lifts eyelids by 2mm) and Levator muscles (lifts eyelids by about 15mm). The surgical technique involves tightening the muscle that lifts the eyelids. This is either done via small incision hidden in the eyelid crease or an incision inside the eyelid. The surgical technique chosen depends on the individual case. Dr. Kalyam will discuss the details and methodology with you for best outcomes. Dr. Kalyam takes pride in giving the best results possible without a visible scar. Also, the techniques can be combined with blepharoplasty when necessary for best results.

Is Ptosis Surgery Covered by Insurance?

If moderate to extreme, Ptosis repair is often considered medically necessary. During your consultation, Dr. Priya Kalyam will perform a thorough evaluation to determine if the case can be submitted to your insurance carrier. The insurance carrier will finally determine if the eyelid surgery is medically necessary.

Recovery after Ptosis Surgery

This is a short procedure (30-60 mins) usually done at the office under local anesthesia or combined with oral sedation. Typically in adults, the surgery is performed while the patients are awake. Recovery period varies by patients. It is very common to have swelling and bruising for first 7 to 10 days. There can be some residual pain after surgery which can be controlled by applying ice compresses and over the counter medications for first 48 hours. Dr. Priya Kalyam uses dissolvable sutures which eliminates the need for their removal. Normal physical activity can be resumed in 7-10 days. Eye makeup can be applied within 10-15 days after surgery.
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