Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photofacial Treatment in Plano–North Dallas

Expert Eyelid surgery center in North Texas

What is IPL Treatment?

This technology uses specific wavelengths (400nm to 1200nm) to target various molecules responsible for color in the skin. This targeted treatment is effective for treating various conditions such a pigmented and vascular lesions, skin aging and hair removal.
Dr. PriyaKalyam’s office offers cutting edge technology to help reduce signs of aging skin. IPL treatment is an option for you if you are looking for reducing visible signs of aging cause by Sun damage, Acne , Rosacea and other pigment problems such as broken capillaries and rosacea. Please contract out office today to schedule a consultation to assess if IPL is the right treatment for you.

How does IPL Work?

A cooled applicator which transmits broad spectrum of light is gently placed on the skin. Different wavelengths penetrate skin at various depths. Dr. Kalyam’s staff will assess what wavelength works best based on the extent of sun damage and patients skin tone. After 5 days of treatment, the treated area flakes off as the body goes through its natural process of exfoliation. During the process, collagen is stimulated resulting in an improvement in skin’s tone and overall appearance.

Results & Expectations

There is no down time after IPL treatment. There may be some swelling depending on the sensitivity of the skin. Within three-seven days, the skin will start flaking off naturally. The result is a new skin underneath. These skin treatments won’t prevent from development of new skin problems. A good skin care regiment is critical to maintain IPL treatment results to last longer. Many patients prefer IPL treatment couple of times a year. Someone with good skin may need only one treatment while patients with pigmented skin may require two to three treatments. Patients with Rosacea may require a series of three to four treatments. Treatments are usually spaced couple of weeks apart.
IPL Laser treatment for Skin Pigmentation Discoloration Sun Damage Freckles Spots Patient
Laser Skin Treatment Patient Testimonials
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