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Learn more about the specials offered by Dr. Kalyam!
At Legacy Eyelids & Cosmetic Surgery, we are focused on Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery dedicated to the health and beauty of the eyes and face. We are dedicated to facial rejuvenation and disorders of the eyelids, eye socket and tear drainage system. We believe in providing superior quality and confidential care is a safe environment. Our goal is to not only provide surgical but also offer non-surgical treatment options to enhance your care.
At Legacy Eyelids & Cosmetic Surgery, we believe in providing superior quality and confidential care is a safe environment. Our goal is to not only provide surgical but also offer non-surgical treatment options to enhance your care.
Dr. Kalyam is very attentive to detail, highly trained in her field and compassionate. She skillfully combines an artistic perspective with advanced surgical techniques to highlight the inner beauty. Dr.Kalyam is very professional, ethical and bound to patient safety first. She spends abundant time to get to know her patient and provides an individualized treatment plan to meet your goals.

What makes an Oculoplastic Surgeon?

Many patients are curious to know what an oculoplastic surgeon does. General plastic surgeons have extensive training for surgeries involving face and body but that may not be enough for working around the eyes. They often see fewer patients with eye-related problems. An Oculoplastic surgeon is a board certified Ophthalmologist who undergoes two additional years of vigorous training that focuses on surgery involving the forehead, eyebrows, eyelids , mid-face, tear duct system and eye socket (Orbit). Tissues surrounding the eyes are very delicate, with complex function and an Oculoplastic surgeon has the right skillset to diagnose and treat those conditions.
What all this means to our patients is, you can be confident that you have selected the best of best highly trained doctor for your medical needs related to eye and face.

What do patients say about Dr. Kalyam ?

Victoria Manusos
Plano, TX
I highly recommend Dr. Kalyam for surgery including her detail to pre and post care appointments.
5 star rating
I chose Dr. Kalyam for her expertise in Oculoplastics. I am so pleased with my upper Blepharoplasty! I look at least 10 years younger! I highly recommend Dr. Kalyam for surgery including her detail to pre and post care appointments.
american society of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery logo
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